The Library

Shakespeare's Quill was the rudimentary pen used by William Shakespeare to create his plays.


Reality Warping: Anything written with the quill can become true;

Inspiration: The quill unlocks the creative potential of its user. It can only enhance the genius that someone already has.

Shapeshifting: The quill was transformed into Prospero's staff until the latter was broken by Excalibur. It returned to normal afterwards.

Reacting to emotions: The quill reacts to the emotions of its owner, leading to unforeseen consequences.

  •  e.g: Shakespeare's anger about being forced to retire turned him into Prospero, the first Fictional.


  • It was crafted using a branch from the Tree of Knowledge.
  • John Dee claimed the quill came from ancient Arabia.
  • The idea that the transformed quill returned to its original form after its staff-form was shattered by Excalibur was not something that was shown or mentioned in And the Final Curtain. Instead, the quill and the hand-written manuscript of Shakespeare's ''The Tempest'' that had been used to exorcise Prospero from Shakespeare in 2015 were shown being carried by Shakespeare when he passed through the paradox portal that transported him to 1611. This is something that would seem to imply that the 2015 versions of those two items were among the five Shakespearean artifacts that were later packed into the trunk that was then hidden for the Librarians to find in 2015. If this were true, then that would mean that both the quill and the manuscript were part of a continuous time loop, one in which they existed without ever having been created.

